TCRW continues to have a growing presence in Tyler County.  In May TCRW presented to each Senior in each High School a copy of the Constitution.  It is TCRW's goal to have a copy in the hands of each person in Tyler County.  
A flag retirement ceremony was held June 14th in cooperation with the local VFW.  Each person that brought a flag to be retired was presented with a new flag.
We were honored to be named the Best Website in Tyler County by the people of T. C. in July.
We are planning a Constitution Day in September and have plans to visit the schools to provide education about our Constitution to the students.
Christmas will be here before we know it and we are planning to have a booth at the Christmas lighting of the Courthouse.
January will see the start of a huge political season next year and TCRW plans to have another Meet the Candidates.  Last years event was a huge success and we look forward to an even larger forum next year.
Due to the closing of Magnolia Grill our meeting place was changed to Wild Bill's Grill in July.  Join us the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 P.M.


TCRW started the year off with the installation of officers at a dinner and silent auction which was a rousing success.  See the Gallery for all the pictures of the exciting night.  Judge Jay Wright who serves on the Texas Ninth District Court of Appeals was the keynote speaker and spoke about jurists "legislating from the bench" and constraining the justice system as well as the importance of women's roles in history and the importance of the GOP women's group.
First weekend in April TCRW manned a booth at the Dogwood Festival and gave out Constitutions and information packets.  The goal of TCRW is to have a Constitution in the hands of all citizens in Tyler County.
At our April meeting Tamara Barrett, an attorney and member of TCRW gave a presentation about the Constitution.
May 11th Scott Hall the General Manager at LNVA will be the speaker for our meeting and will be discussing water issues in US and what it means for each of us.
A flag retirement ceremony is planned for June 14th in cooperation with the VFW here in Woodville.
We started off with a bang this year and have a lot more in the pipeline. Meetings are the second Thursday of every month at Magnolia Grill at 6:00 P. M.  We would love to have you join us.  



The middle of the calendar year has come and gone and the mid-term elections are just around the corner. Plans are being made to attract attention in Tyler County and add new members. Next month plans are for outreach in September and October.

On July 14th the meeting was held at Wild Bill's Grill in Woodville. Robert Poyner, Fred's mayor gave a great overview of the Bill of Rights. Examples were given on how all American's rights are being trampled on and denied.

On August 11, the meeting was held at Wild Bill's in Woodville. The membership drive on August 6th was met with great success. Members were asked if any of the members were interested in the elected positions to get all the nominee on the ballot for the leadership election. Installation of the new officers will be in January.

Rusty Kuciemba was the guest speaker. He is the Tyler County GOP Chair. Rusty gave insight into the upcoming elections, precinct chair openings, and an invitation to join him at the 6:00 p.m., September 6th at the Magnolia Grill in Woodville, Texas.

Membership drives will continue September 24th and October 8th at Brookshire Brothers. The drives start at 8:00 a.m. Pre-members are welcome to come to all meetings, but the membership will not start until January 2023. Family Game Night is scheduled for November 12th at the Nutrition Center.

Volunteers are needed to stuff information bags for the membership drives.

If you would like to come join us in our endeavors to 'Keep Texas Red' our next meeting is September 11, 2022 at Wild Bill's Grill at 6:00 p.m. or join us at 5:00 p.m. to eat and fellowship.





Half of the year has come and gone and it will be Christmas before we know it.  Have a lot planned for the rest of the year so it will go by fast.  We continue to attract attention in Tyler County and add new members steadily.  Have visits to our Facebook page and this website daily.  Plans are about finalized for our outreach in August, September and October.  

On August 6 we will be at Wild Bill's Grill to pass out information packets to promote TCRW.  On September 10th we will be at Brookshire Brothers and October to be announced.  These events will culminate with a game night at the Nutrition Center on November 12th.  Door prizes will be given.  

In September we will be nominating a Nominating Committee to select a slate of officers for 2022-2023 to present at the October meeting and then we will vote on the officers in November.  Then we will begin planning our installation of officers which we will have in January 2023.  

If you would like to come join us in our endeavors to Keep Texas Red our next meeting is July 14, 2022 at Wild Bill's Grill at 6:00 P. M.  or join us at 5:00 P.M. to eat and fellowship.

March 2022-April 2022 Newsletter 

Happy Spring to all.  TCRW ladies are on fire and we continue to grow.  Lots of enthusiasm and plans for the coming months.  The first three months were not good to me personally and I missed getting to participate in Meet the Candidates and the Dogwood festival and all the excited planning going on.  As President, I am so proud of all our members and all they contribute; time, work and money to TCRW's endeavors. Thank ya'll from the bottom of my heart. Am on the mend and looking forward to getting active again.

The Dogwood festival was even more successful than the Meet the Candidates.  TCRW passed out bottled water, Constitutions,  information about TCRW, and good old Southern hospitality.  Got a good response from the crowd which was larger than usual due to the wonderful weather we had.  Usually it always rains and is cold, Lol.  Many people interested in TCRW and in what is going on in our government and wanting to know more and get involved.  If you are not involved and actively participate in local, state and national politics then you give up your right to gripe about what is going on.  The tide is turning and the Conservative movement is stronger.

Just some of the plans.  Providing Constitutions  for the Seniors in each of the county's schools, a membership drive, and passing out Constitutions to residents.

Come join with us as we strive to Keep Texas Red and turn the whole US Red.  We meet the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 P . M. at Wild Bill's Grill.  Come at 5 P. M. if you want to fellowship and eat.  Next meeting is May 12, 2022.  Would love to have you.


Another year has come and gone and a bright new year has dawned.  TCRW has accomplished so much and look forward to even more this year.  Our numbers have grown and women have become more involved in all government from local to national.  TCRW has stressed the importance of being informed and involved.  If we are to improve our country it will be the women involved.

Plans are in the works for us to have a booth again this year at the Tyler County Dogwood Festival the first weekend in April to give Constitutions and information about our government and get more people to realize how important it is for them to be informed and involved.  We will be giving all High School Seniors copies of the US Constitution in May.

All of Tyler County is invited to come join us in our endeavors.  Our next meeting is March 10, 2022 at 6:00 P. M. at Wild Bill's Grill on Hwy. 190 E.  If you would like come eat and fellowship with us at 5:00 P. M.   



Here we are at the end of another year and what a year it has been.  TCRW celebrated its one year birthday on September 9th.

 How time flies when you are having fun, and fun we did have.  The year has been exciting and busy.  With the Primary Election

 being in March and General Election in November 2022, I don't think we will be slowing down.  

 Plans for a Meet the Candidates forum have mostly been completed.  It will be January 22, 2022 at the Nutrition Center in

 Woodville, Texas at 6:00 P. M.  Many candidates have responded to our invitation.  It's so important to get to know the

 candidates and what their values are and let them know what your expectations are.  If you are not involved in your local, state,

 and national politics you don't have a right to complain when things are not done the way you would like.  If you haven't

 registered to vote please do.  It is both a privilege and an obligation to vote.  Many countries do not allow the people to have a


 Thanks to the generous donations of many in our county we have purchased a large vinyl sign to hang at the Courthouse to

 promote TCRW and our events. 

We continue to add new members each month and it is now time for dues to be paid for 2022.  Our next meeting will be January

 13, 2022 at 6:00 P. M. at Wild Bill's Grill on Hwy 190 East.  If you would like to come at 5:00 P. M. and eat and fellowship with

 some of us please do.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Remember the Reason for the Season.




     We left August behind with a rousing Back the Blue Rally for our Tyler County Law Enforcement officers on August the 24th at Wild Bill's Grill. All the officers were very appreciative.  So now, on to September.
     September 10 marked a milestone for TCRW as our first year closed. We celebrated on September the 9th at our regular monthly meeting at Wild Bill's with a birthday cake.
     It was decided to continue meeting at Wild Bill's each month.  Bill Spurlock is a big supporter of TCRW and we are grateful to have him.
     We are working hard to raise money to purchase a sign to hang at the Courthouse when we are having an event. 
     TCRW has big plans for this coming year and have already begun preparing.  We are going to have a Meet the Candidates on January 22nd at the Nutrition Center at 6:00 P M.  This is for anyone that is running in the primary election, from local to state government.   We are beginning to notify those that are running to invite them to come and meet their constituents. You will be hearing a lot more as we get closer to that time.
     We continue to grow in numbers as more people become aware of the need to rein in government on all levels. We invite anyone that lives in Tyler County to join us in our endeavors.  Men that includes you.  As an Associate Member you can do a lot to facilitate change in our local, state and national government.  Our next meeting is November 11th, at Wild Bill's Grill, Woodville, Texas at 6:00 P. M. unless you want to join us at 5:00 P. M. to eat and fellowship.  

July - August 2021 Newsletter

Growing pains always have a little of every emotion attached to them.  As our group grows there is happiness, sadness, irritation, frustration.  Happiness because we are still growing, getting better, more informed and more involved.  Sadness because there are so many out there in the world that cannot seem to grasp how very important it is that they be informed  about what our government is doing.  Irritation because it is so hard to get the uninvolved to realize the importance of being involved. Frustration because sometimes it is difficult to get people to be committed to doing the work that is necessary to further the conservative agenda of our party.
At our July meeting we voted to begin having a monthly meeting in order to accomplish more of our goals.  One goal is to increase membership and that we are steadily doing, what we need to do is increase our Associate membership.  Men you can be an Associate member and we need you greatly.  Community outreach is another and we are looking for ways to do that.  It was decided that we would sponsor a Back the Blue Rally on August 24th at Wilda Bill's Grill and we are geared up for that.  Judge Blanchette issued a Proclamation for that week to be Back the Blue week.  It was decided to get name tags and business cards for members.  
Our August meeting was one of finalizing plans for Back the Blue and discussing future plans.  If you would like to join us in those endeavors our next meeting will be September 9, 2021 at Rustic Grill, Colmesneil, 5:00 P M for fellowship and 6:00 P M General meeting.  Hope to see you there. 


                                                                  May – June 2021 Newsletter
 It's HOT. And I'm not just talking about the weather. Lots has been going on and our numbers increasing. Looking forward to having even more at our July meeting.
 Our May 13th meeting was busy, busy. We had a very informative speaker, Robert Poytner, City Councilman from Chester, Texas that spoke on importance of local government. 
Our Shirts with the TCRW logo was voted on and have been ordered and received by many of our group. Tyler County Booster did a fantastic job on the shirts. 
Constitutions were given to each student of the Senior Class at each High School in Tyler County.
 A Flag Retirement Ceremony was held at Wild Bill's Grill in Woodville on June 5th by the Woodville Lions Club. Debby Wininger and Wilda Barton handed out Constitutions and TCRW Bookmarks. 
Our President of District 6 has announced she will be moving on up. She has pitched her hat into the political ring and is running for Representative of her district.
 Want to know what is going on in Texas Politics? Come join our group and get all the latest and greatest from Texas Federation of Republican Women. Our next meeting is July 8, 2021 at the Rustic Grill in Colmesneil, Texas at 6:30 P.M. Fellowship and eating at 5:30 P.M.

TCRW Newsletter
March - April 2021

Welcome to the first newsletter of TCRW. I will be writing by-monthly news for our website so any input you have to contribute please e-mail to me. 

Our attendance at our meetings has been great and we are adding new members which is even greater. Everyone keep up the good work at recruiting new women and men to join our effort to promote a conservative platform and conservative candidates. 

At our March 11th meeting Karen Morris, District Director, SD 3 presented the National Federation of Republican Women Charter to our group. It is an honor and privilege to be accepted into this group.

It was decided we would have a booth at the Dogwood Festival and give out U S Constitutions, member applications and Bookmarks with our Mission statement that Beth Faircloth designed and donated, and Debby Wininger donated 3 Christmas ornaments as door prizes. The Constitutions were provided by Texas Public Policy Foundation. There was a good response from the public. The Constitutions we have left will go to the area schools.

Paulette Carson from Republican Women of Trinity County offered to have a Nuts and Bolts training for us on March 20th from 9 AM to 12 Noon. Five wonderful ladies from RWTC came and had a very informative session about what it takes to be a successful group. 

Beth Faircloth with her great graphic designer skills has designed a logo for our group which we will be voting on at our next meeting. We will be deciding on ordering shirts with the logo on them.

I have suggested to Kelli Barnes that the Booster run a series about the Constitution but have not heard back from her yet.

Our next meeting will be May 13, 2021 at 6:30 PM the Rustic Grill in Colmesneil. Come at 5:30 to eat and fellowship. A big thank you to the Rustic Grill for letting our group meet there.